Give Me 30 Days, And You’ll Be Authentically Selling Your Art Online.

Because people don’t buy things
 they buy feelings.

There are 4 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS... need to communicate clearly as an artist if you want to get people to buy your work online.

Read on to see how this strategy will bring creativity, authenticity, and ease into marketing your art! 

I'm Already In. Let's Do This!

✉ An Open Letter From Lennon Bone, Creative Strategist and CEO of Stop The Starving Artist.

Figuring out how to sell your art online kinda sucks
 am I right? Especially if you don’t know what gets people to connect with content, and how to drive folks to your website. And if you’re like most of the artists I work with, you sure don’t want to spend all of your time marketing

You want to spend your time creating!

Well, here’s the truth of the matter 👇
Whether you currently sell your art on or offline (or want to!) you have to understand that -

⚠ People don’t buy art, they buy what it represents... TO THEM. 

Think about it -

If a couple is on their honeymoon in the mountains and stops at a local store and ends up buying a piece of art from a local artist - did they actually buy the art? No! They bought a visual representation of the story they’ll tell their kids one day.

If someone buys a record or t-shirt at a concert, they’re supporting the bigger cause and branding themself as a part of a tribe. “A fan.”

So if you’re just doing this:

(Simply posting your art and waiting for people to show up and hand over their hard-earned cash) then

🚹You’re missing your chance to not only sell your work, but to do what artists do best - help people see the world differently.

I mean, is it working so far? If you’re like my other clients, the answer is likely “no.”

But that’s okay! Because when you’re not connecting with people, sometimes it’s as easy as starting a conversation or asking a good question.

And your potential buyers will start showing up and asking where to buy when you’re showing up with

đŸ«€Your heART Based MessageđŸ«€

Your heART Based Message clearly communicates who your art is for in a way that gets them to connect to you and your work emotionally... so they not only purchase your work, they partner with you!



If this makes you uneasy because you have no idea what the message of your art is...

or how to get people to tap into those emotions, especially online—don’t worry.

If you’ve sold any part of your art to anyone in real life, you’ve already done the hardest thing.

You’ve created an experience for someone, even if you didn’t realize it.

And I can teach you how to do it online, too

Your đŸ«€heART Based MessageđŸ«€ doesn’t just get people to buy, it also:

✅ Creates a bold differentiator besides just your genre, style or medium!

✅ Helps you draw in the RIGHT buyers who align with who you are!

✅ Gives you unlimited content ideas that reach buyers, not just other artists!

✅ Allows you to monetize things outside of your art without having to become an art teacher! (SEE THE GRAPHIC BELOW!)

✅ And it does all of this without you having to be “braggy”, “salesy” or “trendy” - you get to just be YOU!

When You Have A Message People Get Behind, You Can Monetize WAY More Than Just Your Art!

80% of businesses say they are more likely to collaborate with partners whose values align closely with their own.



You don't need to become a marketing expert to sell your art. 



🎹 You just need to give them a reason to care about you and your work! 🎹

âš ïžđŸ€–âš ïžÂ 

As we step further and further into a world filled with AI Art, this human connection is going to be more important than ever. 

While this connection has been the key to artist success for years, usually facilitated by magazines, galleries, and press junkets, I'm giving you the tools to do it on your own, without someone having to tell you that your "worthy" of selling your work.

I'm Ready To Change How I See Marketing!

Seeing all this talk about “the message” and “connecting with people” you’re probably thinking -

“I’m not that interesting. I just make art because I like to!”


MOST people think that in order to connect, you need to be interesting
but has there ever been a time when you’ve listened to someone tell a story that wasn’t really anything special - no explosions - no crazy ending - and thought, “Man! I needed to hear that today
” Of course you have! Because...

People don’t crave “interesting” - they crave authenticity!

Authenticity isn't about spontaneity - just showing up online and talking about whatever you want. It's about intentionality... knowing what you want to say and how you can say it in a way that gets people to pay attention... and that's what your heART Based Message is all about!

If you’re like most people who’ve read this far, you’re probably seeing how having a clear heART Based Message will get more people to not only connect with your art, but actually want to buy it. But you could be imagining yourself sitting down to make this “content that connects” and asking yourself

“What the heck do I even talk about?” đŸ€”

What do I even say? How do I say it? And how do I fit it all into a short video or social media post?

Well, here’s a little secret for you: đŸ€«

Getting people to connect with your message doesn’t happen in one post. It happens in stages. 👈 👇


There’s a formula and a process to putting your message out and selling your art:

There are 4 specific things that you need to be communicating during that process...


đŸ«€ Your Why
đŸ«€ Your Values
đŸ«€ The Value Of Your Art
đŸ«€ Your Offer

What you’re creating here is a spider web of content that is catching your ideal clients while you sleep, and getting them to not just watch one post, but binge your other posts - diving deeper and deeper into who you are, what you’re all about, and how your art is DIFFERENT.



So, how do you create content that truly connects with your ideal buyer? One stage at a time. 😉

So, what if you had a set of step-by-step instructions that would help you outline the core four of your heART Based Message, and then tell you EXACTLY what to post, WHEN to post it, and WHEN to make an offer to your people and HOW to do it so they know EXACTLY how valuable it is? Even if you’ve never had a post get more than 200 views or know how to do fancy edits!

☑ No more overwhelm!

☑ No more wondering if you’ll make sales!

☑ No more wasting your time on content that leaves you feeling “heavy” and frustrated.

Imagine just for a moment

 that you had a step-by-step process for building out a marketing plan that you can use again and again.

Imagine having a message that you LOVED to talk about, and people loved to listen to!

Imagine that you could be making sales in just 30 days from RIGHT NOW.

And once you did this, you could do it again and again!

There would be no stress about getting it all perfect because every time you ran this process, it would get more efficient, more effective and more FUN!

How flipping sweet would that be?

🎯 Well
 you don’t have to imagine anymore, because it’s here.  🎯


đŸ«€The heART Based Sales AcceleratorđŸ«€

The heART-based Sales Accelerator isn’t just a program or course like others you’ve taken.

This is a 30-day, step-by-step process that takes your online marketing from “heavy and overwhelming” to intuitive and impactful.

Each time you run the process, you’ll have less to do while seeing more sales come in the door. That's because in the Accelerator you will focus on:

🎯 Prioritizing Quality Over Quantity: Focus on attracting the right audience rather than chasing views, freeing you from the pressure of pleasing the algorithm.

🎯 Being Authentically You: Embrace your unique voice online, steering clear of imitating others.

🎯 Keeping Marketing Simple: Develop a straightforward plan that lets you stay creative without feeling overwhelmed.

🎯 Shifting from Consumer to Creator: Spend more time contributing your art and less on consuming others’ content.

🎯 Making Marketing Fun: Infuse your personality into social media, turning it from an obligation into a platform that connects with YOUR people!

Here's How We'll Grow Your Art Sales Together Inside The Program:

1. Define your heART Based Message.

The first two modules of the program are all about defining those four elements that you need to be communicating. I'll walk you through everything, and together we'll make a plan that gets rid of all the questions.

2. Build Your Following AND Market Your Art!

Why are you waiting to build an audience in order to sell to them when you can do both at the same time?! I'll walk you through 4 weeks of EXACTLY what to post each day so you can work less on marketing that doesn't work, and focus more on your art!

3. Start Selling Your Art... For Real.


My goal is for you to grow your following and make sales by being YOURSELF. Just follow the steps provided.Be prepared to change your approach! No more just posting your art and hoping someone buys!

I'm Ready To Change How I See Marketing!

Here's What The Accelerator Looks Like:

Goal Setting & Getting Started

You'll use my built-in worksheet to set your 30-day goal, as well as learn and track the most important numbers in your creative business. *Hint - your follower count is not first!

heART Based Content Creation

Together we'll structure your Heart-Based Message and inject it into your content. By the end of this module, you'll have all of your content ideas outlined and ready to go for the month!

Get Attention & Build Trust

This module you'll start posting your content. Don't worry - I give you exact instructions on what to post each day, as well as story structures, examples and deep dives on coming up with ideas.

Preparing For The Release

Stats show that when a brand prepares its audience for an upcoming release, its sales increase substantially. So, that's exactly what we'll do in this module! 

Find Your Hottest Buyers

When you're starting out, creating an experience for your buyers and adding that personal touch is everything. You'll learn how to give your hottest buyers the best deal so they buy first, without lowering your prices!

Super Simple Sales Week

I know that all of the emotions come up when it comes to selling, so I've put together a step-by-step checklist for you for this week. What to post. What to say. When to do it. It's all here so you can rest easy knowing it's done!

Review, Rest, & Repeat

What if you don't make a sale? What if you make too many?! Whatever happens, if you don't know WHY it happened, you can't fix or repeat it. We'll end the sales process with a full review... and rest.


“Okay Lennon, how much is the investment?”


The heART Based Sales Accelerator isn’t your typical "low-cost option", or even a high ticket "course."

❌ It's not a $20 per month membership (AKA - Overpriced Facebook Group)

that sacrifices quality for quantity, usually overwhelming you with content.

❌ It’s not a $2k-$5k "overly generalized business course"

that offers minimal personalized coaching and so much info that you don’t know where to start. (I built a course like this too, and learned the hard way that more information isn’t the best way to approach it.)

Of course, there are other options. 👇

âžĄïž 1:1 Private Coaching & Done For You - $3500+

A number of artists pay me $3500 for three months of 1:1 coaching where I'll build your brand and content strategy - holding your hand every step of the way. 


âžĄïžÂ Creative Business Masterminds & Coaching - $13,000+

I’m part of a business mastermind that costs me around $13k per year. I would never trade this group of folks because it keeps me among people who are focused and motivated toward the same things.


These are great for making sure you’re only getting what YOU need, but are a big time commitment and cost
 especially if you’re not making money yet. 😣

I wanted to create something that combines the best of all these worlds: đŸ€©

đŸ«€ Specific step by step processes built from the best of my personalized coaching sessions.

đŸ«€ Targeted content designed to get you online sales quickly. 

đŸ«€ The option for direct coaching and feedback.

đŸ«€ All at an affordable price point that reflects the value and effort involved for myself as well.


Pick the plan that works best for you!





  • Lifetime Access To The heART Based Sales Accelerator (7 Modules + Deep Dive Trainings)
  • 30 Days of FREE Personalized Coaching and Feedback (Optional)
  • Monetize More Than Your Art (Masterclass)
  • Create Content & Copy That Sells (Masterclass)
  • 10k Followers in 90 Days (Workshop)
  • Selling Out of Your Physical Products Using Social Media (Masterclass)
I'm Ready!





  • Lifetime Access To The heART Based Sales Accelerator (7 Modules + Deep Dive Trainings)
  • 30 Days of FREE Personalized Coaching and Feedback (Optional)
  • Monetize More Than Your Art (Masterclass)
  • Create Content & Copy That Sells (Masterclass)
  • 10k Followers in 90 Days (Workshop)
  • Selling Out of Your Physical Products Using Social Media (Masterclass)
I'm Ready!


If you follow the course, but don't see a noticeable improvement in your sales or marketing strategies within 90 days, you can work with me for free until you do!


My career taught me that art doesn't speak for itself, and it never has

I always thought if you just made good stuff, people would notice.
But I was wrong.


Turns out, the reason traditional media, interviews and artist statements exist is to give people more meaning and context to the art that's made. Why? Because when we understand where the artist was coming from, we have a deeper love for the art.

So I learned how to tell my story, what I believe in, and why it matters to other people.

This led to me working on Billboard top 200 albums, playing major festivals, being on TV, working with a Grammy Nominee, and being a lead strategist on a team that helped their clients grow their YouTube audiences by millions, all organically.

I've learned that while there's no better time to be an artist, it's also more important than ever to be able to speak up for your art, so people can connect deeper, and faster.

I'm Ready To Change How I See Marketing!

Is The heART Based Sales Accelerator right for you? It's Time to Choose.


Are you ready for social media and marketing to stop feeling heavy and start feeling creative? 


Are you ready to ditch all the exhausting process videos that only bring you other artists?


Are you ready to make a shift in the energy you use to market your work and start showing up with gratitude and excitement?



Take a look at ANYONE that you consistently follow and support and you'll see three things that people say. 👇
  • “They’re authentic
  • “I love their values
  • “What they make feels like it’s exactly for me

They're NOT saying - "Boy, I'm glad they have such contemporary, fluid, multi-colored and bright work! Take my money!"

If you're ready to have people saying the same thing about you, and to start doing what artists are MEANT to do - change the way people see things - then now is the time. 

Imagine consistently earning $500 (or $5000) online within months, deeply connecting with lasting fans, and most importantly -  transforming how you show up and feel—all because you finally had a clear step-by-step plan, and ZERO RISK trying it out. 

I'm Ready To Change How I See Marketing!

Pick the plan that works best for you!





  • Lifetime Access To The heART Based Sales Accelerator (7 Modules + Deep Dive Trainings)
  • 30 Days of FREE Personalized Coaching and Feedback (Optional)
  • Monetize More Than Your Art (Masterclass)
  • Create Content & Copy That Sells (Masterclass)
  • 10k Followers in 90 Days (Workshop)
  • Selling Out of Your Physical Products Using Social Media (Masterclass)
I'm Ready!





  • Lifetime Access To The heART Based Sales Accelerator (7 Modules + Deep Dive Trainings)
  • 30 Days of FREE Personalized Coaching and Feedback (Optional)
  • Monetize More Than Your Art (Masterclass)
  • Create Content & Copy That Sells (Masterclass)
  • 10k Followers in 90 Days (Workshop)
  • Selling Out of Your Physical Products Using Social Media (Masterclass)
I'm Ready!


If you follow the course, but don't see a noticeable improvement in your sales or marketing strategies within 90 days, you can work with me for free until you do!